
编辑:性恩行者 日期:2011-05-12 17:07

  More than 700 years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big dog. Its name was Gelert and it was very brave and faithful. It often followed the Prince when he went out.
  One day the Prince left his dog at home and told it to protect his baby son, who was asleep in a small wooden bed. The Prince went away for several hours. When he returned, the Prince noticed that there was blood on Gelert's body.
  "What have you done?" the Prince said in alarm. He rushed into his home and saw the small bed lying on its side on the floor. The bed clothes were pulled to pieces and there was blood on them.
  "You bad dog!"the Prince shouted angrily."I left you to protect my son but you've killed him. You unfaithful dog!"
  The Prince took out his sword. Gelert sat down and did not try to protect himself. The Prince killed the dog with one angry blow. Just as Gelert was dying, the Prince heard a baby call to the dog.
  The Prince was surprised and frightened. He ran out of the house and saw his baby son lying on the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince realized that Gelert had protected the baby faithfully.
  The prince realized that he had made a serious mistake. He ran back into the house to see if he could save Gelert but he was too late. The brave Gelert was dead, killed by his master. The Prince cried when he realized what he had done. He had repaid the faithfulness of his dog with disbelief and a foolish act.
  If you go to Mount Snowdon(斯诺登山) in Wales, people will show you where Gelert was buried. It makes people think of a brave and faithful dog. It also tells us not to act in a hurry without knowing the full facts.

